Bonus Recipe in Time for Thanksgiving

[Pumpkin Applesauce]

Eat ’em up, yum.

I love to invent new dishes, especially when I am finding food that is slightly past prime but redeemable. This is the case with apples often. They get a little soft, perhaps a bit withered, but not rotted. Perfect time to make applesauce.

Last night I was finally digging out the pulp from a pumpkin I had baked a couple of days before. I was also cooking down some distressed apples, when inspiration drove me to combine a bit of both to see what would happen. The rest is recipe. Ever the poet, I like the near rhyme.

Enjoy, and bon appétit. Have a safe, warm, peaceful turkey day.

Poets Happy Dance Pumpkin Applesauce


  • 6 small to medium apples, cored and diced
  • 1/2 cup cooked pumpkin (canned is acceptable)
  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1-2 tablespoons honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon each ground clove and nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon each cinnamon, ground ginger, turmeric

Add diced apples to a pan and simmer over medium heat with the lid on, stirring periodically until the apples start to break down. Check frequently to be certain not to burn.

Add the syrup and spices, stirring and mashing the fruit pulp to the desired consistency. If you prefer chunky applesauce, fuss with it less.

As the sauce cooks down even more, add the pumpkin and honey, stirring well and reduce the heat to simmer until the apples have completely turned to mush. Taste test to adjust any spices.

Serve cold or warm. Keep refrigerated and eat it fairly soon. You can always make more.

Yield: 2 – 3 cups.

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